Rock Your Socks 2025 Celebrate T21

World Down Syndrome Day is celebrated on the 21st March. This is significant because there are 3 copies of the 21st chromosome in Trisomy 21, (the medical term for Down syndrome), or as we like to call it T21! 

On the 3rd month of the year and the 21st day of that month, we celebrate people around the world born with an extra chromosome.

Why socks? The shape of the sock is similar to the shape of a chromosome and so, on the 21.3 we wear brightly coloured socks as a way to celebrate those with T21 and in doing so, spread awareness and understanding in order to #RewriteTheNarrative. Together, we work towards an inclusive society where diversity and inclusion can flourish.

Our ROCK YOUR SOCK fundraiser is essential in helping us to replenish our gift packs and costs of packaging and postage. We have GIFTED over 6500 copies of our books valued at $40ea, 2000 calendars at $20ea and over 550 giftpacks ranging from $350 - $1000ea since launching in 2018. This is ALL DUE to the incredible support of you, our community. Some of the funds will also be used assisting with the setting up of our 0-5 therapy based and teen to adult mentoring programs we are launching out of our new headquarters in the Illawarra.

Celebrate T21, along with our families who have received the above, really appreciate your support, efforts and kindness in making this possible.


We have teamed up again with the wonderful crew at #jollysoles @jollysoles to bring you their awesome socks in a box.

"Everybody wears socks! Mums, dads, grandparents, uncles, aunties, friends, co-workers, sons, daughters and even total strangers." (JS website)

3 ways to participate:

1) As an individual you can simply purchase a pair of socks or more from our website! Super easy, you can also help support us by sharing our facebook post or this page to your socials! 

2) If you’d like a box of 14pairs to take to work and place in the staffroom, that would be super cool! For individual pairs or if purchasing 3 boxes and under, AFTERPAY if available on our website. *NEW SHIPMENTS being delivered regularly so keep popping back to see updated  stock.
Website details: 

We can also create a unique code for you, so you only have to pay shipping once. We will gather socks that your workmates or friends have ordered and then ship them in bulk to you to distribute. Please email us at celebratet21@hotmail to request a unique code.

3) Have an ABN? All ABN holders are able to go on a 28-day account with 25% of unsold socks being refunded. For this option please register via our form here:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe0-Icw9IWeoO5Xvd1VQBZFnyKtvg7dGplsF9G9pyyvwFfXtQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

There are 14 pairs of socks in a box, you can also select particular sizes and designs.

We will provide you with a digital pack to help advertise the sale of socks, with various designs to choose from. Socks RRP of $10ea.

We also have 3 colouring in pages you can access for an activity to celebrate the day.